Complete Digital X-ray Solutions

Televere Systems provides the best options for your dynamic imaging platforms.

Televere Systems provides complete solutions for your imaging needs. Turnkey packages provide everything necessary to get up and running with new systems or retrofit solutions, with little downtime. We provide CR and Flat-panel technology, X-ray tables and generators, ortho base systems, custom brackets and accessories, computers and on-site installation and training, with award winning TigerView Software. Whether you are a Private Practice, Community Health Center or require Mobile X-ray, Televere Systems provides the best options for your dynamic imaging platforms.

Low-cost DR Panels
High-end DR Panels
Acquisition software for any Panel
PACS or Cloud Service
Super Portable Fluoroscopy or Traditional Fluoroscopy
Human Dental

Medical or Vet CBCT
C-Arm requirements
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
Security Solutions (EOD)
Special X-ray Software requirements

C o n t a c t U s
1 (800) 385-9593


We pride ourselves on offering immediate and courteous service.

Televere Systems provides complete solutions for your imaging needs. Turnkey packages provide everything necessary to get up and running with new systems or retrofit solutions, with little downtime. We provide CR and Flat-panel technology, X-ray tables and generators, orthobase systems, custom brackets and accessories, computers and on-site installation and training, with award winning TigerView software. Whether you are a Private Practice, Community Health Center or require Mobile X-ray, Televere Systems provides the best options for your dynamic imaging platforms.