Podiatry Digital X-ray

Digital X-ray Solutions for Podiatrists

NOTE: All state EPE testing is the responsibility of the physician or facility

All TigerView Packages Typically Come With the Following:

  • Digital X-ray hardware (choose from 10 different packages CR, DR, “wireless DR”, and Mobile applications)
  • A new computer
  • TigerView Podiatry Specific PACS (5 lic.) and acquisition
  • Includes comprehensive Podiatry specific measurement tools
  • Extensive Podiatry bridges to various EMR, EHS, and PMS (we can also customize bridges*)
  • On-Site install, configuration, and calibration of the digital system
  • Customized IQ settings specific to “what you want to see” in your X-rays
  • On-site staff and doctor training

*CLOUD options available *Offsite Back-up Options *Mobile device connectivity and web portals available *Mobile options available *Complete X-ray packages for both 70 KVP and High Frequency *Customized packages available, some packages might have different bundles based on the Dealer options provided. *Indicates that these options might not be included in the dealer package and could possible add to the cost of the package. *Customized packages are available specific to your unique requirements.

Podiatry Digital X-ray TigerView Podiatry Digital X-ray Solutions – Make the move to digital.

Our award winning, easy-to-use software will significantly update your workflow for better patient management and diagnosis. To complement your CR or DR digital X-ray system, you need imaging software to acquire, store, view, and share your images. TigerView ensures the best image quality with our world-class imaging algorithms which produce superior images. Quickly and easily access all digital image files and share them with colleagues and patients alike. Window leveling and viewer enhancement tools allow complete control of image display. Increase your bottom line today with TigerView software imaging solutions!

Diagnostic Quality – Display crystal clear images, fast!

High-resolution images from DR- 6 seconds, CR – 25-50 seconds and Scanning technologies – 13 seconds, coupled with TigerView’s dynamic adaptive image processing software guarantees unparalleled diagnostic quality. Having world-class imaging algorithms which produce superior images ensures superior images with your hardware selection.

Advanced Search Capabilities – Increased workflow.

TigerView provides specific podiatric labeling criteria that allows you to quickly find the images you want to view. Label images as single or double view, specify the view and projection for each image, and save any keywords that allow you to quickly access your images.

Incomparable Ease of Use – Minimal training required.

Minimal training required. Simple install, detailed on-site training, and easy interface tools ensures that the user is highly efficient with workflow using TigerView. The experience we gain from our other imaging markets ensures that we “keep it simple” and “minimize mouse clicks”. In many instances, when using TigerView, all it takes is one mouse click and you can acquire images for specified patients when using one of the many bridges/links with EHS/EMR.

Advanced Diagnostic Tools and Podiatry Specific Measurements – Display crystal clear images.

Easily review angles and measurements, find the midline and center point, utilize stitching, cropping and magnification tools which help to better communicate to your patients. Once installed, TigerView measurements are: Line measurements, area measurement, angle measurement, Cobb’s angle measurement, Inter-Metatarsal angle measurement, and Hallux Abductus angle measurement. TigerView also has the ability for you to stack both measurements and annotations to achieve more Podiatry measurements. Other measurements you can accomplish are as follows with the use of multiple annotations and measurements: Metatarsus Abductus angle, PASA-Proximal Articular Set angle, Hallux Valgus, Tangential angle to the Second Axis, Distal Articular Set angle, Metatarsal Joint Articulation, Distal Articular Set Angle, HAIP – Hallux Abductus Interphalangeus Angle, TCA – Talocalcaneal Angle, TNA – Talonavicular Angle, CAA – Cuboid Abduction angle, and Kite’s angle.

With TV8 we have added 10 new measurements in one easy to use tool set for a 30 second total measurement analysis.

  • Hallux Interphalangeus
  • Hallux Abductus
  • First Intermetatarsal
  • P.A.S.A.
  • D.A.S.A.
  • Metatarsus Adductus
  • Total Adductory angle
  • Metatarsal Parabola
  • Metatarsal Protrusion
  • Talocalcaneal

DICOM Conformance – Facilitates communication.

TigerView is DICOM 3.0 conformant and allows seamless import and export of images with third-party DICOM systems.

Multi-Room Image Display and Web Access – Assists patient education.

TigerView networking allows your digital images to be displayed and viewed in your exam rooms and non-patient areas that are equipped with PC’s immediately after they have been acquired. Using TigerView CLOUD, easily access your images with any web browser, iPad, or Android device remotely where you have an internet connection.

EMR or Charting Bridging – Easy link from your EMR.

Seamlessly link or bridge from your EMR/EHS/PMS clinical and management systems. TigerView currently has Podiatry specific bridges which enables the exchange of patient information or Query and Retrieve. This link is available through your practice management system or the TigerLink function.

NOTE: All state EPE testing is the responsibility of the physician or facility